Parkinson's. Made Easier.

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Learn everything you need to know about Parkinson’s disease all in one place. International best selling book helping people with Parkinson’s in 49 countries.

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A place where people with Parkinson’s and their care partners can get help, advice, friendship and support. Join thousands of others from all around the world.

Caregiving For Parkinson's
Learn the best ways to support your loved one with Parkinson’s and get answers to your caregiving questions. For family members and all care partners of people with Parkinson’s.

Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure, and prevention of disease can occur.
What People Say About the Books
"Caregiving is a catalyst for understanding the complex and profound feelings that come with being a caregiver. Lianna’s book is exactly what is needed by all caregivers. Without such deep connectivity to this personal experience we fall short of caring at the deepest levels and supporting others who may feel lost in the abyss of the journey. Her text moved me as I reflected on my own experiences as a physician, caregiver, and human being. This is a good thing—a very good thing. Lianna explores the humanness of hope, fear, joy, and pain. What one feels throughout Caregiving is honest and true. To care means you must feel, and to feel is to be alive—even in the setting of death."

Dr. Tim Ihrig
Hospice and Palliative Physician
"Lianna, What a wonderful book you have written, it has answered a lot of my questions about Parkinson's that I was not sure of before, AND NO DOCTOR WAS ABLE TO CONFIRM. I read it the same day you sent it to me.
This frees our minds as to the fact that we now know what we are dealing with (instead of the unknown) and can now deal with the life we must deal with...Instead of searching for a solution to the problem. Wasting a lot of time and MONEY.
May God Bless you and your mother on the work and research you are doing. I believe it will help many people. IT IS THE UNKNOWN THAT IS HARDEST TO DEAL WITH. I cannot say Thank you enough times..."
This frees our minds as to the fact that we now know what we are dealing with (instead of the unknown) and can now deal with the life we must deal with...Instead of searching for a solution to the problem. Wasting a lot of time and MONEY.
May God Bless you and your mother on the work and research you are doing. I believe it will help many people. IT IS THE UNKNOWN THAT IS HARDEST TO DEAL WITH. I cannot say Thank you enough times..."

Elle Aasen
"Lianna, I am glad you are THERE to write the book. After reading I am much clearer about some of the things that are happening to me. I reached my crisis about 18 months ago, took most of the time since to get my medicines just right, and today I am often back to feeling as good as 2 years ago. Again, thanks for being there."

Detroit, MI
"Thank you so much for writing the book - it already has answered many of my questions.
I've had PD for about 6 years - diagnosed 3 years ago. So far so good. There were about 6 other people in FT. Smith who were diagnosed the same year I was so we have a great group who meet at parties and such and talk about our ailment!!
Many thanks again for writing the book and for making it simple!!"

Fort smith, ar
"Lianna Marie has a impressive ability to present a lot of medical information in a well organized and easy to understand format.
Her shared firsthand experience of caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease is genuine and invaluable."
Her shared firsthand experience of caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease is genuine and invaluable."

Dr. Jill Enright
"While searching for Parkinsons information, so luckily I came upon your Everything You Really Need to Know About Parkinsons Disease. I almost cried with joy.
That is the best source EVER!
The other disease groups should hire you to put together the same kind of "book" for their diseases as you did for Parkinsons. It is incredible! Lianna, you have made getting knowledge about this disease so easy for the layman.
Many, many, thanks, Lianna, you are special! You care! You go that extra mile to help someone!"
That is the best source EVER!
The other disease groups should hire you to put together the same kind of "book" for their diseases as you did for Parkinsons. It is incredible! Lianna, you have made getting knowledge about this disease so easy for the layman.
Many, many, thanks, Lianna, you are special! You care! You go that extra mile to help someone!"

Isa Holmgren
See the Books That Have Already Helped Over 73,939 People With Parkinson’s Disease
- International Best Seller In 49 Countries Around The World
- Written In Easy To Understand Everyday English
- Over 500 Positive Reviews - More Than Any Other Parkinson's Book Online